Success story

Closing Diabetes Gaps Through Targeted Member Outreach

Gaps In care
Healthcare marketing
Member engagement


One of the nation’s largest health plans sought to increase health outcomes and close known diabetes gaps in care for over 190,000 targeted members. Their goals were to reach, engage and educate members with diabetes to complete specific health actions, including eye exams, blood work, and nephropathy screenings.


Personify Health engagement team partnered with the plan to create a multi-channel outreach campaign designed to provide a segmented communications strategy. The outreach included personalized messaging to members based on gender, 40 unique segment assignments (core segments included: Achievers, Strivers, Part-Way There, Distracted, and Disengaged), and any prior health information on file with the plan. Additionally, Personify Health created a control group of 20,000 members to thoroughly evaluate the success of the campaign.

The multi-channel campaign (automated calls and follow-up letters to those least likely to complete) was created so the intensity and the scheduling of the touch-points was dependent upon the segment’s prediction of health actions. Touch-points included outreach about:

Outreaches occurred over the course of the calendar year, beginning in the spring (March through May) and ending in the fall (October through November). Additionally,
the campaign allowed for four to eight weeks between touches to ensure members did not feel fatigue.


With nearly half of the population indicating all gaps had been closed, the outreach strategy performed very well and showed positive results. Even the “least likely” to close gaps segments performed well. Eye exam outreach drove higher rates of screening compared to the control group.


Of all gaps in care had been closed


Provided intent to complete health actions

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