
Revolutionizing Healthcare Marketing: How to Foster Patient Engagement and Drive Growth

Health system marketing
Healthcare marketing
Patient acquisition & retention
Woman opening a piece of healthcare marketing mail

The patient experience begins long before your patients walk through your door. Your relationship begins with that first touchpoint that helps them find the care they need, when they need it.

Helping patients engage with your health system beyond care visits and emergencies fosters trust and can improve health outcomes. This engagement builds strong relationships between patients and your health system, allowing them to feel seen and heard. The quality of these relationships is essential not only for patient satisfaction but also to drive revenue. So, how can healthcare marketers and professionals effectively boost patient engagement?

The value of delivering your message at the right time, to the right person, and through the right channels is undeniable.

Our Patient Acquisition and Engagement Playbook is filled with +12 years’ worth of healthcare marketing insights and real client results. This guide highlights the undeniable value of patient engagement and provides revenue and volume-driving strategies for healthcare marketers.

To transform these insights into action, our playbook dives into the intricacies of fostering patient engagement through innovative marketing strategies and personalized patient care models. These strategies outline meeting and exceeding patient expectations, thereby driving growth and enhancing the healthcare experience.

Here’s a preview of what’s inside:

Patient-Centered Strategies Drive Marketing ROI: By prioritizing the patient’s needs and experiences, healthcare providers can significantly improve health outcomes, reduce staff workload, and enhance patient satisfaction. Investing in patient-centered approaches improves the quality of care and delivers a notable return on marketing investment.

Relevant Outreach Validates Marketing Efforts: Effective patient engagement starts with a deep understanding of your population. Rather than leaning only on clinical data to stratify their patient population, healthcare marketers can target specific populations more effectively with consumer-level data (including SDOH insights) and predictive patient segmentation. Leveraging data-driven marketing strategies, health systems can gain a greater understanding of the patient and their needs, leading to increased patient conversion and delivered results.

Communication Matters: Patient engagement relies on meaningful communication that fosters connections and validates patient experiences. Utilizing relevant data and preferred communication channels maximizes these efforts, ensuring that every interaction is personal and builds a stronger patient-provider relationship.

Outreach Beyond Emails: In today’s digital age, reaching patients through their preferred channels is crucial. Multi-channel, multi-cycle strategies are essential for healthcare marketers looking to acquire new, profitable patients and address patient needs, not for the sake of variety but to reach patients on the channels they frequent. This insight challenges healthcare marketers to rethink their outreach strategies to meet patients where they are and how they like to be communicated with.

Engaged Patients Build Capital: Patient engagement is pivotal in driving service line growth, improving adherence to treatment plans, and enhancing experience measures. This benefits patients by improving health outcomes and it also strengthens the healthcare provider’s position in the market.

Balance Acquisition with Retention: Overloading systems can alienate patients, so providing clear guidance to appropriate resources is crucial. Striking the right balance between acquiring new patients and retaining existing ones is key to maintaining a healthy and engaged patient base.

By embracing a patient-centered approach, leveraging data-driven insights, and adopting multi-channel communication strategies, healthcare marketers can make a significant impact on their patients’ and prospects’ health outcomes and satisfaction levels.

For more tips like this, check out our Patient Acquisition and Engagement Playbook.

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