
How Health Plans Can Impact Chronic Conditions 

Cost savings
Member engagement
How Health Plans Can Impact Chronic Conditions 

Chronic diseases significantly affect everyday life, turning simple tasks into challenges. Business leaders focused on healthcare cost savings increasingly look to their health plans for innovative, outcome-driven solutions. Despite increased spending on solutions, there is still a benefits gap. In our 2024 Member Survey Report, only 38% of US employees with chronic diseases felt that their benefits fully met their needs. 

It’s essential for health plan leaders to carefully plan and consider the entire healthcare ecosystem as a competitive advantage. Understanding capabilities and must-haves is critical. Our latest member survey and an independent study by Merative Health Insights highlight health plans’ opportunity to enhance overall member health, wealth, and wellbeing. 

The Real Impact of Chronic Diseases on Daily Life 

Imagine starting your day feeling drained, where simple routines seem insurmountable. Our member survey found that individuals with chronic conditions are twice as likely to have a negative outlook on their health compared to healthier peers (60% vs 22%). They also feel inadequately prepared to face daily challenges, which affects their work performance and, subsequently, the financial health of their organizations. 

Bridging the Gap Between Needs and Support 

Though chronic condition benefits are available, there’s a significant gap in member satisfaction and awareness: 

– 38% of members with chronic conditions feel their benefits meet their needs. 

– One in three members is unaware of the support available through their health plans. 

However, 77% believe their health plan can be crucial in providing resources to help them manage their health outside the clinical setting. Get more insights on how to engage members in your chronic condition management programs by getting the full 2024 Member Survey Report

How Health Plans Are Using Personalized Health and Wellbeing Solutions 

Personalization has transformed how people access resources tailored to their unique needs. Most health plans want to explore personalized solutions that simplify tasks and strategic health plan initiatives. However, personalization alone isn’t enough. Health plans are evolving to create integrated, customized health ecosystems supported by behavior change programming, data, and AI to deliver more value than ever by connecting the disconnected. 

By incorporating health coaching, digital therapeutics (including support for GLP-1s), and personalized health communications in their member health and wellbeing programs, higher engagement levels, improved satisfaction, and better health outcomes are observed. These innovations are crucial in supporting members with chronic diseases by providing: 

– Motivational incentives to kickstart healthy habits. 

– Frequent communications about available benefits. 

– Personalized support tailored to individual and household needs. 

– Tools that leverage personal data for better health and financial decisions. 

The Importance of Continuous Engagement 

Managing chronic diseases requires a sustained, long-term approach rather than quick fixes. Members express a need for health plans that: 

– Connect all services and benefits through integration, AI nudges, gamification, and rewards. 

– Design programs for ongoing engagement and adapt as member needs evolve. 

– Recognize the unique needs of each individual, moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach. 

– Translate insights into actionable outcomes that members can understand and use. 

Aligning with C-Suite Priorities 

A recent Mercer study highlighted that clinical management is a top priority for CFOs, with 64% advocating for a strong emphasis on this area. Effective clinical management involves targeted programs and services that address the needs of those requiring the most support, minimizing disruption and maximizing engagement. 

Proven Benefits of the Personify Health Wellbeing Program 

An independent study conducted by Merative Health Insights demonstrated that engaged participants in the Personify Health wellbeing program had 14% lower healthcare costs annually compared to industry benchmarks. The study, analyzing over 61,000 members, showcased improved overall mental health, as engaged members utilized preventive services more and required less inpatient care. 

Download your copy of the Merative Cost Savings Analysis here. 

Why Personify Health? 

Personify Health is the digital core of your health plan ecosystem. For over 20 years, we’ve been a strategic business partner, helping health plans achieve outcomes from their health and wellbeing benefits.  

Your members and clients rely on you for their daily health and wellbeing and in the moments that matter most. We’ve connected your health ecosystem, so you don’t have to. Our personalized health plan platform is designed to engage your brand and integrate it into your member portal to cut costs, reduce risks, and unlock the health and wellbeing of your members – and the communities you serve. A single experience tailored to your needs that pays off for everyone.  

Interested in learning more about how a personalized member experience can enhance your competitive advantage through high member engagement, reduced risk, and improved outcomes? Request a demo of our personalized health platform.