Success story

Global Banking Asset Management Company Launches Personify Health

Culture & employee experience

About the Client

The client partnered with Personify Health in 2012, after a major restructuring that led to downsizing across the organization. Employees were struggling with high stress due to the nature of work in the financial industry, layoffs and other cost saving initiatives. To address some of these challenges, the client decided to re-invent their employee wellbeing programs.

Key Challenges






client since

Client Goals

Tactics and Strategies Deployed to Optimize the Wellbeing Experience

Custom Challenges

The client ran a custom challenge last spring with their office locations as the destinations, which allowed employees to learn about other offices and cultures of wellbeing within their country, across the world. This helped keep Personify Health fun, interesting and engaging.

The client was encouraged to highlight leadership buy-in of the challenge and ended up publishing articles about executives on their intranet with Q+A about their favorite ways to work out, etc. These were very well received and helped employees feel more connected to members of their executive team.

Monthly promoted Healthy Habit challenges were very popular with this client’s employee population and the Client Success manager at Personify Health worked with the client admin team to customize the Healthy Habit promoted in each month’s challenge to complement their internal calendar of campaigns and initiatives. As a part of World Sleep Day in March, this client promoted a “Be in Bed for at least 7 Hours” Challenge and saw over 2,400 of its members participate and over 1,800 of its members (9% of the member population) “win” the challenge by tracking “Yes” for this habit 5 or more days during that week.


The client launched Whil (a Personify Health Certified Partner) in April of 2019 to complement the mental health campaign the client was doing across their global offices. The client promoted the three Whil programs (Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and Yoga) to all members as a card on the Personify Health homepage by using Hub technology. The client worked with their Client Success Manager to time the beginning of the mental health campaign to overlapped slightly with the end of their custom global step challenges, which worked well for getting people’s attention to the Whil cards. The campaign was also complemented by custom Personify Health emails, a “Relaxation Breathing” healthy habit challenge, and messages on the client’s intranet. Personify Health provided periodic reporting of Whil utilization rates broken down by global region for the client to monitor over the course of its mental health campaign. The Client Success Manager also trained Champions on using Whil so they could help with promotion.

In the several months since the client launched Whil, its members have clicked on the Emotional Intelligence program over 6,000 times and have clicked on the Yoga and Mindfulness programs roughly 4,000 times each. Over 1,200 members have completed a Whil session, with 9% of its US members and 10% of its Latin American members having completed one or more. In total, its members have completed just shy of 7,000 Whil sessions across the three modules.

Tactics and Strategies Deployed to Optimize the Wellbeing Experience


The client is excited to take advantage of Personify Health’s capability to drive personalized recommendations tailored to each member based on biometric and demographic data. This will allow members to more easily find programs relevant to them and thereby navigate the numerous benefits available to them more efficiently and successfully. Positive member experiences like this will also help drive better engagement rates.

The client is currently working with their Client Success Manager to integrate other vendors from its landscape into the Personify Health reward experience. This creates a round-trip experience: members will be referred from Personify Health to utilize other benefits relevant to them and will then be brought back to Personify Health through rewards they earn while interacting with those benefits.

Because Personify Health offers a tailored benefit navigation experience and a user-friendly rewards interface that can link to other programs in a client’s benefit landscape, the client decided to move these components of its wellness program onto Personify Health and eliminate other redundant vendors, helping them to save budget. The client’s global team was delighted at the time and effort they will be able to save by using the Personify Health Hub to showcase localized programs and segment them so only members in the appropriate countries, office locations, etc. will see them.

Charity Challenge

Personify Health’s Charity Challenges allowed the client to create a sense of community and togetherness needed to improve morale coming off a period of layoffs. It also solved for the fact that fancy, expensive challenge prizes to winning teams were not appropriate in the midst of the company’s visible financial difficulties. The client deployed two charity challenges globally.

Save the Children

Working to unlock donations to “Save the Children” was something everyone could get behind. They made this a country versus country challenge to take advantage of fun competitive energy and rally engagement.

World Cancer Day

Wanting to find a way for Personify Health to support World Cancer Day in February 2019, Personify Health created an attestation form, rewarding members for attesting to take preventive action against cancer.

Personify Health Solutions

Partnering together, the client and Personify Health created a strategy to increase awareness and engagement. Using segmentation and targeting strategies each participant was shown relevant content, programs and benefits. This created a more meaningful user experience and drove outstanding results.

Generally, the client’s employees thought of their wellbeing program mostly as a global step challenge and monthly promoted healthy habit challenge. Personify Health was able to change this perception by bringing other capabilities to the forefront. These capabilities addressed the client’s needs like mindfulness and benefits navigation.

Over time the client expanded the ways they utilized the Personify Health platform and were also able to reduce costs by eliminating redundant programming.

Impact of the Evolved Strategy

Targeted program delivery and global digital coaching were two primary factors in the clients decision to extend their relationship with Personify Health. Leveraging additional Personify Health program components allowed the client to eliminate several under performing programs – resulting in cost savings and a better user experience.

Personify Health and the client continue to develop local programs utilizing the Programs page and other targeted engagement strategies. The localization of content is a centerpiece of the ongoing strategy to deliver a global wellbeing program.

Global Outcomes


The custom team based challenge was used as an engagement driver helping to increase platform enrollment by 6%


Whil sessions were completed by participants during their mental health campaign


referrals were made to third party programs in 2018