Success story

Establish a Wellbeing Program for a Diverse, Public Sector Client

Montgomery County is Maryland’s most populous jurisdiction

Located adjacent to the nation’s capital, the County employs a group of highly diverse, benefi t-eligible employees, approximately 9,000 individuals strong. Montgomery County employees tend to have a long tenure and needs that vary by job type. Like many organizations, Montgomery County faces rising healthcare costs fueled by high rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal injuries, and high blood pressure.

Montgomery County At a Glance:


of enrolled participants engage in at least one healthy behavior


participants shifted from low activity/ inactive to active/high active category


improvement in body mass index


improvement in blood pressure

In an effort to combat these challenges, the County launched its LiveWell program in the
fall of 2015 with the goals of improving the holistic wellbeing of employees, reducing absenteeism and “presenteeism,” while enhancing employee engagement and decreasing healthcare costs.


Integrated Platform and Strong Outreach to Drive Participation

At launch, the Personify Health platform was central to Montgomery County’s wellbeing strategy.

The platform serves as the County’s wellbeing hub where employees can enter activity, track nutrition, access resources and redeem incentives. Employees are provided a Max device subsidized by the County upon enrollment and the opportunity to earn up to $350 per year. Of critical importance at the launch event was the presence and support of the County Executive, the County Council President and union leadership. To drive initial enrolment with the Personify Health program, the County held centralized launch events and orchestrated monthly fi eld visits to encourage program registration
and provide education on Health Station usage. Outreach activities for fi eld-based employees are ongoing and occur regularly, including monthly visits to bus operators, fleet mechanic shops and highway services depots. This outreach promotes screenings and health promotion activities around fitness, nutrition and chronic disease prevention. A strong team of wellness Champions is essential to the success of the LiveWell program. Montgomery County’s team includes 94 volunteer Champions from 30 departments and participating agencies. The Champions meet face-to-face quarterly and, on alternate months, via conference call. A handbook guides Champions and provides inspiration for free or low-cost, easy-to-implement ideas. Several innovative Champion initiatives include an indoor walking path, hydration stations and departmental challenges.

Percy Expression

“The Personify Health program is at the core of the LiveWell strategy, incorporating incentives, screening tools, fi tness trackers, and challenges into one comprehensive program.””


Award-Winning Change

Montgomery County was recognized as the winner of the 2016 Personify Health Game Changer Award, honoring

In addition, LiveWell was also awarded the 2016 National Association of Counties Achievement Award and the Alliance for Workplace Excellence – 2016 Workplace Excellence Seal of Approval.

“LiveWell’s greatest accomplishment in its first year was the launch of the Personify Health program,” said Office of Human Resources Director Shawn Y. Stokes. Through the Personify Health platform, Montgomery County employees have realized significant improvements in health and wellbeing, with 35% of participants shifting from the inactive/low active category to the active/high active category.

Montgomery County currently partners with a graduate student from Johns Hopkins University to evaluate trends among departments with significant enrollment and engagement in the Personify Health program. The goal is to create best practices for champion teams and department leaders. Leaders of the LiveWell program look forward to continually innovating and creating programs that meet the needs and interest of employees that lead to positive changes and sustainable improvements in health and wellbeing.

Percy Expression

“At Montgomery County, we are deeply committed to the health and wellbeing of our employees, and we’re always seeking out the best partners and solutions on their behalf.”

Ready to take your employee wellbeing program to the next level? Talk to an expert at Personify Health to get started.