
Empowering Members Through an Exceptional Care Experience

Member engagement

How do you create an experience your members come back to again and again?

We’re all trying to do the best we can for our employees. For brokers and employer groups striving to curate the best healthcare solutions for their members, the huge number of options can be overwhelming.

The challenge lies in not only ensuring accessibility but also in establishing greater transparency across health plans, containing costs, and promoting improved clinical outcomes.

The linchpin to achieving these goals is creating a unified member experience. A carefully crafted benefits experience has the potential to empower members to access top-quality care without imposing additional burdens on themselves or HR professionals.

Effective communication with members enhances their likelihood of seeking preventative care and addressing health issues at their outset, potentially preventing them from escalating.

Let’s dive deeper into the five essential factors Personify Health prioritizes for an exceptional member experience.

Empowering Members with Cutting-Edge Technology

Are you still of the mindset that your benefits platform only gives you access to one or two tools? Think again!

When it comes to a benefits platform, it’s far more than a one-trick pony. Your platform should serve as a comprehensive hub that equips members with the tools to decipher their health coverage, connect with the right care providers, and tap into programs that enhance their quality of life.

Your members shouldn’t have to piece together their health experience.

An intuitively crafted and user-friendly platform can alleviate many of the frustrations commonly associated with navigating the complexities of healthcare.

At Personify Health, our member platform is thoughtfully designed to cater to our members’ essential needs in utilizing their benefits. We prioritize clear visuals and straightforward language to ensure that members can easily grasp their benefits and access top-notch, in-network care.

The platform features a dedicated “Your Benefits” section, offering members direct access to personalized solutions. Moreover, our utilization of proprietary technology, maintained by our dedicated in-house team, allows us to continuously explore fresh, innovative avenues to enhance the overall member experience.

We’re committed to empowering our members with seamless access to essential healthcare resources, fostering a future where navigating benefits is simplified, and informed decision-making is elevated.

Creating Seamless Connections with Our Omni-Channel Customer Service

Do you feel frustrated when you’re looking for information online and can’t find it? Your health plan members feel that, too!

Offering a variety of customer support channels, such as phone and online chat, provides more opportunities to engage and connect with members.

This approach allows our members to pick the communication method that suits them best. When members reach out to our customer service team, we connect them with benefits professionals well-versed in their specific health plans. This ensures that queries are addressed promptly and accurately, fostering a positive member experience.

At Personify Health, connecting with our dedicated member advocates is as easy as a phone call or live chat away. Every time a member contacts our customer service line, they are greeted by an advocate who has undergone comprehensive training tailored to that member’s unique plan.

In cases involving providers, we go the extra mile by initiating outbound calls to address any concerns, sparing our members from unnecessary hassle. Our ultimate goal is to resolve issues swiftly and seamlessly, ensuring our members’ peace of mind throughout the process.

By placing a premium on personalized service and efficient problem-solving, we aim to transform every interaction into a smooth and empowering experience for our members.

Through our commitment to quick resolutions and empathetic assistance, we pave the way for a future where navigating healthcare support is effortless and rewarding.

Ensuring Clarity and Connection Through Open Communication

Employees profit from proactive and abundant education on their benefits, health, and safety.

This approach fosters benefits literacy and enhances employees’ engagement with their well-being. Open, transparent communication not only keeps plan members well-informed about recent health plan adjustments but can also help promote cost-effective health solutions. One example is encouraging the use of telemedicine solutions over traditional doctor’s office visits.

A good communication strategy acknowledges the diverse nature of your workforce. Communicating through various channels, such as phone and online platforms, and in different styles, whether detailed or bite-sized, creates more pathways for connection.

At Personify Health, we are dedicated to ensuring that our members are informed at every stage of the benefits process. Our communications are thoughtfully crafted to captivate attention and deliver information in a clear, accessible manner. Furthermore, we collaborate with employer groups to tailor custom communications that meet the distinctive needs of their workforce.

This may involve offering communications in multiple languages and formats, including flyers, emails, and videos, all of which can seamlessly integrate an employer’s corporate branding.

By nurturing a culture of open dialogue and tailored engagement, employees are empowered to make informed decisions about their health and benefits.

Through transparent, inclusive communication, we strive to create a future where every member feels empowered, informed, and confidently in control of their well-being.

Optimizing Quality and Savings through Care Management

Healthcare plans should include a level of balance, like all aspects of life.

Pair generous benefits for employees with cost-saving measures for both employees and the employer, and everyone wins!

Care management programs stand as indispensable tools for employers seeking to uphold exceptional quality while reducing healthcare expenses.

As employer groups embrace a value-based approach to benefits, these programs take on even greater significance. Embracing cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and predictive analytics, care management programs now wield unprecedented power in driving cost reduction.

At Personify Health, we recognize the urgent need to meet these evolving demands head-on. That’s why we’ve established an in-house, fully integrated Care Management (CM) practice.

Personify Health is setting the Care Management industry standard.

Our dedicated CM team comprises over one hundred associates and nurses, all committed to providing exemplary levels of care. With a comprehensive suite of CM programs at our fingertips, we harness clinical data to precisely target high-cost or problematic areas. This strategic approach empowers us to make a profound impact on cost reduction while ensuring optimal outcomes for our members.

The true strength of our CM practice lies not only in our expertise but in our close collaboration with other departments. By being located in-house, our CM team seamlessly aligns with various facets of our organization, enabling us to deliver a higher caliber of care to our members. This united approach fosters a dynamic environment where insights are shared, solutions are forged, and quality care reigns supreme.

Personify Health remains firmly committed to revolutionizing healthcare management. Our mission is to inspire positive action and empower our members to take control of their health and well-being. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, harnessing clinical expertise, and fostering collaboration, we are building a future where unsurpassed quality meets sustainable cost savings.

Unlocking a Wealth of Knowledge in Health Benefits

Don’t venture into the wilds of self-funded healthcare without an experienced guide you trust.

When it comes to navigating the intricate realm of health benefits administration, experience and expertise serve as indispensable cornerstones.

Your broker will partner with an administrator well-versed in collaborating with employer groups of varied sizes and structures. An adept administrator not only boasts operational prowess but also possesses a rich history of tailoring health plans to meet each employer’s distinct needs. Crucially, they must offer a member experience that enhances clinical outcomes for plan members and drives down costs for employers.

Here at Personify Health, we stand at the forefront of delivering these exceptional outcomes, surpassing all other independent benefits administrators. Our commitment to excellence shines through in every facet of our operations.

We take pride in our seasoned professionals who infuse every endeavor with unparalleled expertise and unwavering passion. Our mission is clear – to inspire positive action, drive meaningful change, and pave the way for a future where health benefits administration is not just efficient but empowering.

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