Success story

Automated Campaigns Generate 7,573:1 in Aggregate ROI

Health system marketing
Healthcare marketing
Return on investment

Client at-a-glance

Texas-based health system with six hospitals (acute care and specialty), 36 clinics, and 300+ physicians and mid-level providers representing 38 specialties.


With the overall goals of growing profitable volume to their high-value and underutilized service lines, meeting and filling new doctors’ schedules, this health system partnered with Personify Health to deploy a strategic plan focused on patient acquisition, patient retention, profitable volume and new doctor satisfaction.


Using Activate, Personify Health set up an automated trigger program that generated lists on a monthly basis and deployed campaigns to the correct populations through direct mail and email. Each trigger is fully customizable and can be turned on or off at any time.

Initially beginning with only a few service lines, the health system expanded their program over time to meet market demands, including:

• Automated, multi-drop campaign to meet objectives

• Automated New Mover and Medical Home campaigns to invite individuals in for routine primary care visits

• Automated Risk Assessment campaign to drive volume for six key service lines


Total charges from new patients (matching criteria)


New patients converted


Return on Investment

Automated Campaigns

Multi-drop MyChart campaign to meet objectives Personify Health sent a “New Features” piece to current MyChart users, and a Non-Users piece to those patients without a MyChart account, encouraging them to sign up. If an individual didn’t register within 60 days, they received a reminder follow-up piece.

This campaign was initially running in their main region only, but it was later segmented by community with a targeted piece to each clinic area due to its success.

Risk assessment campaign to drive volume for six different services

With a special focus on driving patient volume for Cardiology, Diabetes, Orthopedics, Bariatrics, Sleep, and PAD, Personify Health helped the health system to target individuals with the likelihood to need these services.

Identified individuals were sent a postcard inviting them to go online and fill out a Risk Assessment. Based on their score, individuals received either a low- or high-risk follow-up piece with next steps associated with their specific risk level.

New mover and medical home campaigns to invite individuals in for routine primary care visits

The New Mover piece targets individuals who have moved into the health system’s services areas within the last 30 days; a 60-day sweep was done each month as well to ensure no one was missed from the previous month’s campaign.

Then, they follow up the New Mover campaign with the Medical Home campaign focused on driving New Movers to choose a local primary care provider, making the health system their Medical Home.

Trigger Campaign Metrics & Total Charges

Trigger Campaign Metrics

Why an automated trigger campaign program matters

In aggregate, this health system sends 53 different automated trigger campaigns each month. Maximizing their resources, they can set the parameters for these campaigns and let Personify Health, and the data, do the rest.

Each month following the data update, fresh lists are automatically generated and sent to Personify Health’s Activate campaign engine that instantly ties creative tothe list and sends it to production to be printed, and then ultimately to be distributed to patients’ homes.


While many hospitals were seeking out the services of several vendors for Marketing Automation, Population Health, and support, this health system knew Personify Health had the technology necessary to solve their business challenges and achieve strategic growth within one platform.


For Any Success Criteria


Conversion rate


Total charges from new patients*


New patients converted

New patients converted

For Matching Success Criteria


Conversion rate


Total charges from new patients*


New patients converted


Return on Investment