
Inside Activate: Three Secrets to Intelligent Member Engagement and Experience for Health Plans

Culture & employee experience
Member engagement
Intelligent Member Engagement and Experience for Health Plans

If you’re not careful your competing communications priorities can create chaos for your member engagement. You must be strategic to reach the right people, the right way, at the right time, and with the right information. 

Personify Health’s Chief Marketing Officer Erica Morgenstern, and Jaci Haack, VP of strategic accounts, spill three must-haves for intelligent member outreach, regardless of your campaigns or how limited your resources are—and how Activate™ can help.  

“When you take a more intelligent view, you’re optimizing those dollars, and you’re setting yourself up for much more success and ROI,” noted Morgenstern. 

So how do you get the right people’s attention then turn it into member engagement? 

Supplement your claims data to present a fuller member picture to drive targeted campaigns.  

Sometimes data can be overwhelming. And the portion of health status data derived from a clinical setting doesn’t reflect a person’s whole picture of health. Most of what drives a person’s health and wellbeing is their lifestyle and environment. Activate is driven by the industry’s most powerful activation engine, which includes lifestyle and social determinants of health data from 275 million people. 

We bring it all together for you: “Personify Health provides and marries your existing member data and claims data so that we can truly let the insights and data do the work to inform those personalized communications,” said Haack.  

Hyper-personalization helps you predict rather than react.  

No two members look alike; why should their outreach? The more attributes we gather and analyze from a person the smarter we can be about anticipating—and meeting—their needs. Plus, customized outreach means happier customers and more member loyalty: “By taking that proactive stance, you’re increasing member satisfaction as well,” said Morgenstern, noting that customer satisfaction will be triple weighted in 2023.  

Get the right message to the right person at the right time to communicate with members where they are.  

The marketing “rule of seven” states that people need to see a message seven times for it to register and encourage action. “By executing multi-channel, multi-cycle campaigns, you’re going to have the ability to directly reach up to 95% or more of targeted members,” noted Haak. One campaign can have multiple touchpoints, added Morgenstern, furthering the impact of your communications.  

The secrets to member acquisition, retention, and engagement lie in how you think about these points and how you can join the nation’s largest health plans in shaping Activate. 

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