Over the years, we have increasingly heard the term “work-life balance” but what does this actually mean?

With the rise of young entrepreneurs and start-ups, we have seen a shift from the traditional business attire and a 9-5 cubicle environment to a more relaxed and flexible working environment.

What is Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance is the notion of prioritizing your work and life where necessary. Your work life includes your career and ambitions. Lifestyle is your family, friends, leisure time, hobbies, health, etc.

Why is work-life balance important?

It’s important to have time to recharge, spend time with family, exercise and take care of yourself, so that you can go into work ready to do your best work, every single day.

Work-life balance and wellbeing go hand in hand. One cannot be successful without the other. Companies are starting to understand the benefits of successfully creating a consistent work-life balance and to see how important it is to support their employees in achieving this.

Healthy employees are more engaged in their work and more productive. These employees take fewer sick days and consistently achieve positive individual and business outcomes.

What Do We Mean by Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is the state of being happy, healthy and prosperous.

How Personify Health fits into work-life balance and wellbeing

Personify Health is the leading provider of technology solutions that promote employee engagement and wellbeing. Of course, technology performs best in a receptive environment. To build the ideal workplace, begin simply by encouraging employees to take time away from their desks and emails as a way to improve employee wellbeing. Facilitating the development of healthy habits, including regular exercise, healthful cooking, prioritizing sleep and making time for family, go a long way towards finding work-life balance.

When you provide tools that support and enhance your employees’ sense of wellbeing, you will see measurable benefits. Your employees will adopt positive habits that change behaviors across the organization and increase productivity, drive employee engagement and provide real-time insight into the wellbeing of your organization.

To find out how Personify Health can help your employees achieve a healthy work-life balance, click here.

What are some of the benefits of achieving a healthy work-life balance?

These include but are not limited to;