Success story

Multi-Channel Outreach Drives a 37% Increase in HRA Completions

Member engagement

Additional Channels and Outreaches Boosted Completions Among Proactive Members by 133%


A national health plan was promoting its annual health risk assessment (HRA) to collect self reported health status data from its Medicare members. Using traditional methods like a single welcome letter to drive participation wasn’t reaching or resonating with members to drive the level of engagement – and number of completed HRAs – they desired. Even members deemed “proactive” were not taking the time to fill it out.

To drive better HRA completion rates, the plan knew they needed to optimize their outreach to boost delivery, engagement and interest in completing the HRA.


Personify Health engagement experts worked with the health plan to develop a multi-channel, multicycle and action-oriented campaign to improve reach and HRA completions among targeted members.

On a monthly basis, all new members received an invitation to complete the survey by mail. Subsequent outreaches to members who didn’t respond to the initial communication included an outbound IVR (automated voice) call and a mailed paper survey. Each channel featured a call to action for members to immediately begin the
HRA, further simplifying the process to drive more completions.


HRA completion rate across targeted population


increase in total HRA completions with addition of automated voice


increase in HRA completions due to multi-channel, multicycle outreach among proactive members


The multi-channel, multi-cycle campaign was incredibly successful, largely due to the addition of the automated voice option for people to complete the HRA telephonically. Furthermore, creating surround sound with multiple channels significantly boosted completions by 133% with proactive members – a high-value group for any health plan.

With Personify Health, the health plan achieved its goals of increasing assessments among more members and potentially identifying gaps in care and opportunities for support.