
Back to work, back to wellbeing: here’s what you missed in August

Culture & employee experience
Workplace wellbeing
Three female employees at work, having a chat

For many of us, summer’s over, and it’s time to dive back into work. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with resources to help you achieve your workplace wellbeing goals for the remainder of 2024 (and beyond).

5 key KPIs to track for a successful workplace wellbeing strategy

Implementing wellbeing initiatives without proper measurement and evaluation is the same as throwing darts in the dark.

Grab our free guide to discover the 5 KPIs you should measure to make your wellbeing strategy as successful as possible.

The secret to turning your leadership team into wellbeing champions

Convincing leaders to invest in wellbeing can be tough… but it becomes a lot easier when you have proof. Download our ROI/VOI Toolkit. 

Get a free in-depth assessment of your wellbeing strategy

(Completion time: 10 minutes)

Make smarter choices for your employees’ health and happiness with our free tool: the Maturity Assessment. This tool helps you uncover exactly where you stand in just 10 minutes. Take the Maturity Assessment. 

Breaking the silence: Supporting your menopausal employees

Unsure what adjustments to make for employees experiencing menopause?

We recently sat down with Adora Health to highlight some of the simple ways you can make the workplace a better place. Watch the webinar replay.

With these resources, you’re well-equipped to prioritise employee wellbeing and create a thriving workplace culture.

Remember, investing in your employees’ health and happiness is an investment in the success of your organisation. We’re just a call away from making your workplace goals happen.